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Survey: Pricing & Ticketing 2017

We’ve teamed up with the world leaders for pricing consultancy – Simon-Kucher & Partners – to add a seriously good pricing debate to this year’s Ticketing Technology Forum and we can’t wait to welcome them to the stage.

As we all know, without research you cannot learn or develop your product and in order to continue to provide the world’s best consulting service for pricing, Simon-Kucher & Partners need your opinions and views on the subject.

Simon-Kucher & Partners know that we have a vast database of the world’s most influential ticketing business leaders from hosting the Forum, and so we turn to you – the good folk of ticketing – to help out.

We are delighted to share with you Simon-Kucher & Partners’ 2017 Pricing and Ticketing Survey, and would be grateful if your team could spare 10 minutes* to answer as many questions as you feel comfortable with.

As a little incentive for helping out, we’re handing out a luxury Tuscan food and drink hamper in a prize draw for anyone who takes part! Check out their beautiful products here.

Thanks very much in advance and see you in Dublin!


*This survey will take approximately ten to fifteen minutes of your time. Please rest assured that your answers will remain completely confidential and will be treated anonymously.


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