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The Forum kicks off today!

Ticketing’s finest folk have flown in from over 40 countries to gather this morning at EMEA’s most important B2B ticketing business meeting.

We opened with international insights on the global sports, arts and leisure ticketing industry with three presentations. The first from a new venue in a ‘new’ market – the stunning Dubai Opera. The second covering ticketing trends in the world’s biggest market and emerging superpower – China. And the third outlining a core technology change which could change our business forever – blockchain.

After a full-to-the-brim networking session, delegates then got down to some serious chat about data: getting it, using it and growing it with speakers from Purple Seven, Shubert Ticketing and Activity Stream.

If you’re not at the Forum, you’re missing what is arguably the most important gathering of the live entertainment ticketing sector.

Check out the Full Programme Here

Follow us live on our Twitter feed – @TicketTechForum – and check back here for more live updates including Awards winners.

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