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#TBF22 Guest Spotlight: Birmingham City Football Club 

In the countdown to #TBF22, we’re highlighting some of the VIP guests who will be joining us in Manchester. This week we spoke to Aamir Javaid, head of ticketing for English Championship club Birmingham City FC.

Javaid has worked in numerous positions across Birmingham during his almost nine years at the club. He started off in 2013 as a sales assistant, before becoming the assistant consumer sales manager and eventually the acting consumer sales manager.

Javaid became the ticketing manager in January 2016 and held this role for six years, before being promoted to the head of ticketing in January. He also works as the disability coordinator alongside this role.

TheTicketingBusiness: What’s new and exciting in ticketing and technology for Birmingham City?

Aamir Javaid: “For the 2021/22 season at Birmingham City Football, we released digital tickets to both our match purchases and season ticket holders. The digital season ticket is an option available for supporters to select and as a club we have seen 40% of our season ticket holders opt for this. 

“As we look forward towards the 2022/23 season, we expect this figure to increase as supporters are now becoming more familiar with the technology.” 

TTB: What’s on the roadmap for the next 6-12 months?

AJ: “The plan for the next 6-12 months is increasing the number of supporters using our digital ticketing function. So far, we have seen a positive uptake on the option and as a club it is important that we continue to build on this. 

“Digital tickets ensure a smoother running matchday for both the supporter and the club. A supporter may forget their tickets or card, but it is rare that they will forget their mobile device!”

“In addition to this, we will continue to prioritise fans’ needs and ensure they have an ongoing relationship with the club. This is especially important with this being the first full season with no COVID restrictions in place. Through our tailored emails, special offers and membership schemes we want to show our fanbase that they are valued and recognised that they are the heartbeat of the club!”

TTB: What are you looking forward to most about the Forum?

AJ: “I am most looking forward to meeting like-minded professionals and being able to share our experiences whilst also forming new relationships.”

Join Aamir – And Hundreds of Colleagues – At TheTicketingBusiness Forum 2022 In Manchester. Further details here